About Willem R van Goor


Willem R van Goor

Willem R van Goor

Willem R van Goor

Willem R. van Goor was born on the 4th.of November, 1948, in Zwolle, The Netherlands.

After secondary school, Willem went to The Hague, for a transition year, to figure out if his future was to be found in music (organ) or in art.

After this, he went to Groningen, where he finished The Academy of Fine Arts, (Academy Minerva) five years later. 

He graduated with distinction in lyric abstract painting,  -graphics as well as three dimensional art in wood, iron and ceramics, in 1978; since he is a painter by profession.

In 1997 Willem moved to the west of Ireland, where he, with his wife, Doutsje Nauta, set up a garden, open for the public, as well as a B&B; also, the process of painting still goes on and on !  

Further interests, among others, include music and theology.